The submission should consist of a unique PDF file, containing the text and the figures, with references placed in a BibTeX file. While the initial submission may follow any template, submissions of minor revisions and accepted papers must be typeset using the Open Journal of Mathematical Optimization LaTeX author's class available below.
The relevant source files are available here:
The file ojmo-sample.tex
(in which authors may copy the body of their article) contains an example of an article showing the use of different proposed environments. The file samplebib.bib
(in which authors can place the bibliography of their article) shows how to write a reference list in "BibTeX" format. The files cedram.cls
, cedram-OJMO.clo
, and plain+eid.bst
must not undergo any changes or alterations. They must be put as is in the same directory as the article and the bibliography.
To obtain a file ojmo-sample.pdf
from the ojmo-sample.tex
file, after downloading the files cedram.cls
, cedram-OJMO.clo
and the bibliography style plain+eid.bst
into the current directory, type (in this order) the following commands:
pdflatex ojmo-sample
bibtex ojmo-sample
pdflatex ojmo-sample
pdflatex ojmo-sample
Overleaf users may also find the read-only template here.